June Moderator Musings
Gene and I returned at the beginning of April after wintering in the south, and already I’m very busy with Church life. It has been shared in the Bulletin but wanted to let everyone know that our search for a Summer Pastor was not successful. There were many variables in the candidate’s decision to decline our offer. That being said, it’s time to move on!
We have been fortunate we have been able to access Pulpit Supply on a regular basis. We might want to think about what we’ll do if we can’t find someone to come on a Sunday. Do we want to have a hymn sing that day? Do we want to cancel a service that day? Something to think about, and talk about.
I was not able to attend the last Town Hall Listening Post, but I hope those who have been attending will still do so. It’s more important than ever that our communication is consistent and transparent and everyone can access the same information. The Listening Post is a great
venue for this. Please join us!
Our call for a Search Committee for a new Pastor has generated some interest. I’m hoping that the work that the Interim Task Force did will lessen the Church Profile part of the task immensely.
I recently visited a few churches in Rhinelander to understand what they are using for the security of their premises. I had a very warm welcome and long discussion with the First United Methodist Church people and it was so nice to know they too are open and affirming. They are excited about having a booth at the Pride festival as well this year. Their being open and affirming is not something new. While there is/was currently a huge national conference for them to make some decisions on which churches would be, or not, the Rhinelander United Methodist Church became one, years ago. It may be a good opportunity to look at things we can do together.
ACES (Association of Churches for Emergency Support) We have regularly given money to this group for emergency assistance to people in need in the Rhinelander area. Since COVID, Jackie Schmieder has been the only ACES volunteer from our congregation. Is there anyone interested in assisting in this area? Some things have changed since COVID in how they run the program. They are looking for someone to take the phone for approximately 2 weeks at a time, on a rotational basis. All interactions with clients are conducted by phone now. The training program is very helpful, and the instruction is excellent. Please let me know if you’re interested in learning more.
Carla Chropkowski