Local Ministries

Prayer Chain
Please contact Lisa Johnson, 715-360-5306 with information about members or friends who are in need of prayers by our members. We welcome volunteers to join our prayer chain. Each member is contacted by other members when prayers are requested.
Climate Team
The Climate Team is one of our newest missions works which concentrates on the climate changes that are affecting our communities. We routinely have projects such as pollinator gardens and looking into ways to help in redirecting our thinking and behaviors to help heal mother earth.
Rhinelander Area Food Pantry
Our church volunteers to assist the local food pantry distribute food on the 4th Wednesday night of each month from 3:45 – 6:00 PM.
ACES Ministry
ACES is Rhinelander’s Association of Churches for Emergency Support. It is the gathering of Rhinelander area churches to show the love of Christ in tangible ways to those in need.
Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing
Our church supports the Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing (NATH) in their efforts to end and prevent homelessness.
Warm for Winter
Warm for Winter, a free clothing pantry, was begun as an outreach mission of our church in 2009 and has served approximately 6,000 client guests in the 13 years since its inception. Click "learn more" for the 2023 distribution schedule.