Moderator Musings – Giving Thanks!
There are so many components taking place behind the scenes to keeping our church community informed, prepared for Sunday services, providing for refreshments, planning for pulpit supply…the list goes on!
This month I’d like to give a special shout out, and hope you will as well, to the many people who participate in our Weekly Worship Team.
The Worship Team consists of Sandra McKitrick, Lisa Johnson, Dale Smith, and Merlin Van Buren.
They are coordinating with the assigned Pulpit Supply Pastor for readings, and the sermon. They are choosing and coordinating, depending on the Pastor, the Confession and Assurance, Hymns, Reflection videos, Offering Invitations, Prayers and Dedications. They sometimes also prepare the Benediction.
Meeting weekly, they coordinate with the Pastor, outlining pertinent information for the Bulletin, the order of service, selected music and the coordination of same with the Organ/Piano musicians said music. Downloading videos for use on Sunday as well.
Another shout out to Sue Bartels who has called Pastors to serve our congregation and coordinated same since Pastor Myles left. She has Pastors booked up until the end of August.
What a team they have been! Be sure to thank them for all their work in keeping our services coordinated. Bless them.
Next month, I’ll let you know more about other groups working behind the scenes in our church.
The only other note I’d like to mention this month is to ask if anyone is interested in Prison Ministry? If so, please contact me.
Carla Chropkowski