Music For Everyone

Vocal Choir

Voices lifted together is a musical instrument like no other.  It is a joy to hear and a joy for the choir.  Our choir brings their songs of praise to our worship service once a month.  They practice every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. beginning August 28th.  You are welcome to join this group.  Please get in touch with the church office at 715-365-1535 to be connected with our choir director Mary Peterson.

Handbell Choir

The Rainbow GEMS Handbell Choir offers music for worship one Sunday a month.  The music of the bells and chimes is uniquely lovely and watching the bell choir play is like watching a dance. This group practices every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. beginning on August 29th.  This group welcomes new members!  If you know your right hand from your left and can count to four, there is a place for you in the bell choir.  Leave a message at the church office, 715-365-1535, for director Tom Winquist if you would like to join this group.

Pipe Organ

On September 11, 1887, an organ was played for the first time in the Rhinelander Congregational Church.  The organist reported that playing this organ was very tiring.  In 1901 the church purchased a two-manual, hand-pumped pipe organ. (Two-manual refers to the number of keyboards on the instrument.)  The church history notes that the janitor was paid his regular hourly wage to serve as pumper for the organ.  In 1929 a new pipe organ was presented to the church by Mrs. A.D. Daniels in honor of the pioneer women workers of the church.  The organ was rebuilt in 1962 to better serve the congregation in the new church at the present Larch Street location.

In July 1996 a Casavant Opus 3752 Organ was installed.   This organ, with two manuals and 1,000 pipes, is considered a medium-sized instrument.  Various kinds of wood, primarily maple and oak are used for the organ.  The pipes that are not made of wood are made of a tin-lead alloy.  The natural keys are made of ebony and the sharp keys are rosewood with bone caps.