What is Lay Pastoral Care?

Our Lay Pastoral Care Team grew out of a work session here at Rhinelander UCC last summer, after more than one of our congregation asked, “Who is going to look after our spiritual needs when we don’t have a minister to call?” Since that time, six members of our congregation have had training through Luther Seminary to meet that need.

Lay Pastoral Care (LPC) is meant to provide spiritual care specifically. It is intentional. It addresses care of the soul, through compassionate listening, and through prayer. It is confidential. LPC is not emergent crisis care. Nor is it medical care. Nor is it meant to fix problems. Hopefully, LPC will help our members care for one another’s spiritual needs while we are without a full-time minister of our church.

Our UCC already has a Visitation Team, a Card Ministry, and a Prayer Chain: Lay Pastoral Care will overlap with these and hopefully we will share resources.

The LPC team members were installed by Pastor Myles at our Sunday service on March 24th, 2024. The team includes Carla Chropkowski, Jane Eberly, Lisa Johnson, Pat Juday, Sharon Schroeder, and Nancy Wilson.

If you want to meet with LPC regarding a spiritual concern, please leave your name and contact information with our Church Secretary, Wendy, (715-365-1535) during church office hours, and an LPC team member will return your call.

– submitted by Nancy Wilson