Worship Services
Worship 10:00 AM
135 E Larch St, Rhinelander, WI 54501
Gather in Fellowship Hall for coffee after service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday.
We livestream our Sunday services on Facebook.
What To Expect at First Congregational
Everyone is welcome! Wear what you are comfortable in. Some will be wearing jeans or shorts, others will be wearing suits. God loves you as you are and we welcome you!
Bulletins for the order of worship are available from the usher or in a basket just inside the sanctuary. Assistive listening devices are available, as are copies of the sermon for those with hearing difficulties. Please ask the usher if you’d like help with either.
An unstaffed nursery is just down the hall.
We welcome you to coffee and fellowship following worship on the second and fourth Sundays.
How to find us:
We are at 135 E. Larch Street, between N. Stevens Street and the Rhinelander High School. There is plenty of parking on both the west side and east side of the building. The entrance on the west, nearest N. Stevens Street, is equipped with a handicap door opener. Our building is all one level.
Communion Table
You are invited to the Communion Table
Ours is an open Communion table. You are welcome to share the Sacrament of Communion with us on the first Sunday of each month. We receive the elements of bread and juice at the front of the sanctuary. If you prefer to remain seated, we are happy to offer you communion where you are.