Spiritual Life
Spiritual Life would like to acknowledge and thank the following for giving their time throughout 2024:
Lay Readers:
Linda Boyd, Carla Chropkowski, Darlene Cole, Mary Dork, Lisa Johnson, Sandy McKitrick, Mary Moxon, Sharon Schroeder, Beth Studer, Sue Tessendorf, Judy Thoms, and Tom Winquist
Ken and Carol Arndt, Gene and Carla Chropkowski, Darlene Cole, Des Dahlquist, Mary Dork, Jane Eberly, Ted and Judy Fisher, Jerry Fitzgerald, John and Jude Hammer, Larry and Sandy McKitrick, Mary Moxon, Beth Studer, Sue Tessendorf, Bob and Judy Thoms, Merlin and Ann Van Buren, Nancy Wilson, and Jan Winnicki.
We are truly a dedicated and supportive faith community.