Update on Rhinelander Performing Arts Center
Since the first article about a possible Rhinelander Performing Arts Center was published, two meetings have been held, both on October 16, 2024.
The first was with three people from Nicolet College: Kate Ferrel, President; Jenny Bonardelli, Arts and Events Manager; and Heather Schallock, Executive Director of Nicolet College Foundation. In years past, Nicolet has enjoyed a vibrant performing arts program, but in recent years, sadly, this program has declined. As a result, the college will now be undertaking a community needs assessment to help them decide their future direction.
The second meeting included most of the people who attended the first meeting in September, and also a few new people, including Jenny Bonardelli. We learned that an application on behalf of our group has been submitted to Leadership Oneida County to request they conduct a needs assessment in Rhinelander for a performing arts center. If Leadership Oneida County agrees to take on this project for us, it will not be completed until May, 2025.
It was agreed by everyone at the meeting that we should wait for the results of the two needs assessments before proceeding further, so we will pause for now and will reconvene in the spring.
We would like to emphasize that this will be a project of long duration, that you will be kept informed as–and if–it proceeds, and that the church will in no way be responsible for anything financial. We envision the church as simply being the venue for a performing arts center and, should our plans come to fruition, we will still be a church and we will still worship in the sanctuary.
Judy Thoms and Gale Will